Should you own one of the low fat air fryers, like the Tefal or Philips model, you may be trying to find airfryer recipes to increase your repertoire from simply chips! Even though a lot of people tend to buy an air fryer for making chips without putting on the pounds, or for health purposes need to be on a reduced fat diet, these fryers can cook other things. Exactly what that is rather depends on the model that you own.
The two primary models of low far air fryer will be the Tefal Actifry and the newer Philips Airfryer. Each make fries with a tablespoon (or less) of oil, meats and poultry, nonetheless they do so in slightly different ways making what else you can cook in them differ.
While the Tefal Actifry turns the food using a paddle while it blows hot air on the food, in comparison, the Philips Airfryer does not turn your food meaning some foods like chips, must be shaken half way through the cooking time. Hot air is distributed in the Philips, however the heat comes from an element in the top of the fryer. The placement of the element and the holding container for the food makes a difference in the sorts of foods you are able to cook within these fryers and therefore a number of the airfryer recipes will differ, although may be adaptable for a specific type of low fat air fryer.
Airfryer recipes for the Tefal have a tendency to centre on foods that will be stirred due to the paddle (although many people remove this in order to cook things like bacon and hash browns). Foods that cook in a Tefal generally include such things as stir fries, small pieces of breaded fish, curries and casseroles as well as your roast potatoes and parsnips.
The down-side of the Tefal is the fact that there could be some transference of food smells and taste should you cook say fish and chips together as it does not separate the foodstuffs. Not so with the Philips Airfryer.
The Philips Airfryer holds the food within a container basket that comes with a divider panel (this and the baking tray are optional for a few models) so you can place the food in distinct compartments. The primary difference in the airfryer recipes is that you can actually bake cakes, sausage rolls, muffins and stuffed vegetables. It is possible to also brown off pre-baked bread as well as making those chips.
I guess what you've got to determine is what type of airfryer recipes you will be most likely to use. If your motive for acquiring this kind of fryer would be to be careful about your weight, do you need one that makes cakes? The Philips Airfryer occupies a bit less room, but if you want the baking pan and divider, you are probably looking at a bit more cash than you will need for the Tefal Actifry. Tough choice, as either are pretty great machines!
To learn more, visit and read our low fat air fryer comparison pages and also, watch the chicken tikka masala recipe video on the Tefal Actifry page along with other airfryer recipes.